Be kind with your comments and interactions.

  • Bullying and demeaning other users, in ANY way, will not be tolerated.

  • Harassing or stalking other members, either inside or outside of the group, is grounds for immediate removal.

  • Any incident’s that are unlawful will be reported to the proper authorities, if required.

Any lewd, rude or inappropriate content will result in immediate removal.

  • Any threatening or illegal content posted in the group, or direct messaged to any of its members, will be taken seriously, and reported to the proper authorities as soon as discovered.

  • CrazyFlippinMom and Crazy Flippin, Inc. will provide any requested information to authorities, including photos, video, audio, text screenshots, or any user information we have on file.

Do NOT share any group content or member information outside of the App.

  • This includes sharing content to any kind on any of the following:

    1. Social media platforms

    2. Personal website, blog, podcast, or forum. (Paid or Free)

    3. Another reseller groups or forums (paid or free)

    4. Your own products, services, or courses (free or paid)

  • You cannot use any group content for your own created content, unless permission is requested an approved by CrazyFlippinMom.

  • All content in this group/app is property of CrazyFlippinMom and the member that posted it.

  • CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: Anyone operating or marketing their own seller group, or in leadership of similar seller community, will not be eligible for membership to the group, unless CFM is notified, and there is a prior approval given by CFM | Group. If any current member is found to have violated this conflict of interest, their membership may be suspended, with or without notice, and without refund.

Do NOT misuse or share any other members personal or private information.

  • We will not tolerate the misuse of anyone’s personal information.

  • Misuse includes the sharing other members:

    1. Real names

    2. Email addresses

    3. Usernames

    4. Social media profiles

    5. Selling platform profiles (profile name, url, or other information)

    6. Any other personal or private information acquired while apart of this group, including through Direct Messaging (DM) interactions.

  • If you want to share any member’s personal information to anyone else, you MUST have that specific member’s permission to do so. No exceptions.

Do NOT use this group for marketing, soliciting, promoting, or selling to other members.

  • This includes doing any of the following things:

    1. Adding affiliate links to your content

    2. Attempting to sell products to other members

    3. Directing other members outside of the app to any of your own products or services.

  • If you use this group in anyway to promote your own brand, or any brand you represent (directly or by affiliation) without an contractual agreement in place with CFM, you will be banned.

Do not misuse this group to defame, sabotage, or stalk any other member, their family, or their business.

  • You will be banned for any behavior that brings harm to anyone else’s business or personal well-being. This includes trying to ruin or damage the reputation of another member by:

    1. Leaving fake poor review on their selling profiles

    2. Opening false cases against them on their selling platforms to hurt metrics

  • Please do not tank prices on Amazon. We can all win by pricing competitively.

Do not knowingly deceive this group or its members for personal or buisness gain.

  • Anyone found to be fraudulent or misleading in their public information or personal identity will be banned immediately without notice and without refund.

  • Any additional member accounts found to be linked to previously banned user accounts may also be deleted immediately without notice or refund. It is vital that we maintain a honest, safe and supportive community.


The main feed is for BOLOs and great finds ONLY.

  • Our top priority is keeping the group app simple and not overwhelming.

  • You can use the comment section of someone’s BOLO post to ask a question on that particular BOLO or post, but if you are going to change topics or share another bolo, please create a new post in the appropriate section of the app.

You must follow other members to see their posts on you main feed.

  • Just like instagram, you must to follow member profiles to see their content on your main feed.

  • You can access anyone content (past and present) any time from their member profile, located under “Members” on the slide out menu.

  • It is a great idea to visit the hashtags tab, discover tab, member list, or “new” content section of the app to see new content and discover new members to follow.

Please use the appropriate chat room for questions.

  • We have created chat rooms specifically to keep the main feed clean and simple.

  • This also make it easier to find info on specific topics, without needing to dig though hundreds of old main feed posts.

  • Like other members, you will need to join the chat room in order to post in the chat room and see that chat room content on your feed.

  • If you no longer want to see chat room content on your feed, un-join the chat room.

  • You will still be able to see chat room posts and content without joining the chat room, BUT you mist join the chat room to post in it.

Please hashtag the store and brand on every post, so it much easier to search and find things later within the group app.

  • One of the main forms of organization in the group app is #hashtags.

  • Hashtags insure simplicity in finding content by retail store or by brand.

When you post a picture, it is most helpful if you share the ASIN associated with the product.

  • This will be the most common question other members will ask, so putting it in the original listing is the best idea.

This group is meant for items that we can find in everyday stores.

  • We do not use bots of any kind for notifications about new “drops” or online deals.

  • Content about online sales is allowed, but within the content of items and products that an be found at local stores.



To report violation of the rules or abuse by other members, please contact

You can also report issues from the slide out menu under “contact us”.


There are no refunds if you are banned from the group for violating group rules.

CrazyFlippinMom and Crazy Flippin, Inc. reserve the right to ban or remove any content or member, with or without notice, for any reason, if we, or any of our members, feel the content posted or member behavior violates any of these group rules, or is problematic to the group and its members in the future.